Monday, April 6, 2009


After a fun filled two weeks in London, Paris, and Barcelona I boarded the Norweigan Jade cruise ship with 11 of my fellow school mates and headed off an another adventure. We are docked in Egypt right now after sailing to; Rome, Greece, and Turkey. The amount of history and culture that I have seen over the past week has been absolutely incredible. I've seen things that I only thought I would ever read about in a text book and see in photos. I cannot wait to share my experiences in more detail with all of you when I return to the states!
Our safety has been a big concern for me and I have been so thankful to God for nothing happening to us. We drove past a fellow tour bus in a major wreck yesterday on the way to Cairo, so we know how luck we are.
We are seriously enjoying the cruise lifestyle and are thankful that the weather has been somewhat pleasant. We leave Egypt today and have another day at sea before arriving in Malta, our last port city, then one more day at sea then a return to Barcelona.
Once I arrive back to the mainland, I will be sure to do a more indeapth update! Hope life on the other side of the world has been keeping everyone entertained and in good spirits!
love and joy

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